Guided Biofilm Therapy in Marrero | Smile in Style

Guided Biofilm Therapy
in Marrero, LA

Invest in a healthy, beautiful smile and protect yourself from bacterial infections. Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a groundbreaking procedure that's revolutionizing oral care. This cutting-edge treatment tackles dental biofilm head-on, striking at the root cause of tooth decay and gum disease. GBT isn't just another dental procedure; it's a game-changer that combines precision, comfort, and effectiveness.

This means you get a professional-grade cleaning that's gentle yet thorough, coupled with empowering education for long-term oral health. This systematic approach ensures predictable results, minimal discomfort, and maximum impact. GBT isn't just cleaning teeth—it's setting a new standard for preventative care.

Why Should I Get Guided Biofilm Therapy?

If you're looking for a comprehensive solution to oral health, GBT is the answer. Unlike traditional cleaning methods, GBT is more effective. It targets the root cause of dental issues - biofilm. Biofilm is a group of microorganisms that stick to each other and to the surfaces in your mouth. Over time, they can cause tooth decay and gum diseases. GBT not only removes these harmful biofilms but also educates patients on how to prevent their buildup. It's a preventive approach that saves you from potential dental issues and costly treatments in the future.

What Makes Us Different


At Smile in Style, we go beyond traditional dental aesthetics to offer comprehensive care for your oral and facial health. What truly sets us apart is our expertise in trigger point injections - a niche service rarely found in dental practices. While many offices provide Botox and fillers for cosmetic purposes, we take it a step further by offering trigger point therapy as a therapeutic treatment. This advanced technique targets chronic pain and muscle tension, addressing issues like TMJ disorders, headaches, and facial pain that can significantly impact your quality of life. Our unique combination of Lidocaine, Botox, and PDO threads in these injections not only provides immediate relief but also promotes long-term healing. By integrating this therapeutic approach with our cosmetic and dental services, we offer a holistic solution for both your comfort and confidence. At Smile in Style, we're not just enhancing your smile - we're improving your overall well-being.


Trigger Point Injections are used to soothe tense muscle fibers or commonly known as "knots." These knots are caused by acute or repetitive microtrauma, leading to stress on your muscles. They can often times lead to tension headaches. We use trigger point therapy at our office to relieve neck and shoulder knots, especially ones that are stubborn and cannot be improved by deep tissue massages or other therapies.

How Botox Injections Work

At Smile in Style, we use Botox to help you look and feel your best. This remarkable treatment works by relaxing specific muscles in your face, smoothing out wrinkles and even easing pain from dental issues like teeth grinding. When we inject Botox, it blocks signals from nerves to these muscles, giving you a more relaxed and youthful appearance. You'll start seeing results within two weeks, and the effects typically last for several months, letting you enjoy a refreshed look and improved comfort.

How Filler Injections Work

Our filler treatments at Smile in Style offer a fantastic way to enhance your facial features and restore a youthful fullness. When we inject these gel-like substances beneath your skin, they immediately add volume, smoothing out lines and plumping areas that have lost their youthful bounce. Most of our fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in your body, making them safe and effective. The results are instant and can last anywhere from six months to over a year, giving you a natural, rejuvenated look that complements your beautiful smile.

Did you know…

tooth icon

Bacterial biofilms are responsible for an estimated 80% of human bacterial infections, as reported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


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The Benefits Of Guided Biofilm Therapy

Thorough Cleaning

GBT uses state-of-the-art technology like AirFlow, PerioFlow, and Piezon for a thorough and gentle cleaning. The AirFlow device removes biofilm, stains, and young calculus from your teeth and gums without causing any discomfort. GBT uses state-of-the-art technology like Airflow, PerioFlow, and Piezon for a thorough and gentle cleaning. The AirFlow device removes biofilm and stains from your teeth and gums without causing discomfort, while th Piezon removes any remaining hard deposits (tartar). This comprehensive cleaning leaves your mouth feeling fresh and healthy.

Personalized Treatment

GBT is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. It's fully personalized to meet your specific oral health needs. Our team assesses your mouth's condition and identifies areas with biofilm buildup. The treatment is then tailored to target these specific areas, ensuring you get the most effective cleaning.

Preventive Care

GBT is not just about treating existing dental issues; it's about preventing future ones. The treatment includes educating patients about proper oral hygiene practices and the importance of regular dental checkups. This preventive approach helps maintain a healthy mouth and reduces the risk of serious dental problems down the line.

The Guided Biofilm Therapy Treatment Process


The first step in the GBT treatment process is an assessment of your oral health. Our team will examine your mouth to identify areas with biofilm buildup. This step is crucial as it helps tailor the treatment to your specific needs, ensuring the most effective results.

AirFlow Cleaning

Once the assessment is done, the our guided-biofilm therapist will use the AirFlow device to remove biofilm, stains, and young calculus from your teeth and gums. This device uses a mixture of air, water, and fine powder to clean your mouth thoroughly and gently.

PerioFlow and Piezon Cleaning

The final step involves deep cleaning below the gum line using the PerioFlow nozzle and removing any remaining hard deposits with the Piezon. This ensures that your mouth is completely free of harmful biofilm and potential dental issues are nipped in the bud.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.
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