teeth whitening in Marrero

Zoom In-Office Teeth Whitening
in Marrero, LA

Need a brighter smile now? An in-office teeth whitening treatment can be a game-changer. Ditch dingy stains and the yellowing that ages you. Brighten up with a quick and simple in-office teeth whitening treatment in as little as an hour.

Why should I choose in-office teeth whitening?

Why not?! Teeth whitening treatments are some of the most versatile and least expensive cosmetic dental treatments available. Brightening your smile by just a few shades makes you look younger and healthier. Many patients are amazed at the difference their whiter smiles make on their overall appearance. With a brighter smile comes more confidence. And when whitening options come at a lower price point than almost every other cosmetic dental treatment, teeth whitening is typically the biggest bang for your buck.

What Makes Us Different


At Smile in Style, we go beyond traditional dental aesthetics to offer comprehensive care for your oral and facial health. What truly sets us apart is our expertise in trigger point injections - a niche service rarely found in dental practices. While many offices provide Botox and fillers for cosmetic purposes, we take it a step further by offering trigger point therapy as a therapeutic treatment. This advanced technique targets chronic pain and muscle tension, addressing issues like TMJ disorders, headaches, and facial pain that can significantly impact your quality of life. Our unique combination of Lidocaine, Botox, and PDO threads in these injections not only provides immediate relief but also promotes long-term healing. By integrating this therapeutic approach with our cosmetic and dental services, we offer a holistic solution for both your comfort and confidence. At Smile in Style, we're not just enhancing your smile - we're improving your overall well-being.


Trigger Point Injections are used to soothe tense muscle fibers or commonly known as "knots." These knots are caused by acute or repetitive microtrauma, leading to stress on your muscles. They can often times lead to tension headaches. We use trigger point therapy at our office to relieve neck and shoulder knots, especially ones that are stubborn and cannot be improved by deep tissue massages or other therapies.

How Botox Injections Work

At Smile in Style, we use Botox to help you look and feel your best. This remarkable treatment works by relaxing specific muscles in your face, smoothing out wrinkles and even easing pain from dental issues like teeth grinding. When we inject Botox, it blocks signals from nerves to these muscles, giving you a more relaxed and youthful appearance. You'll start seeing results within two weeks, and the effects typically last for several months, letting you enjoy a refreshed look and improved comfort.

How Filler Injections Work

Our filler treatments at Smile in Style offer a fantastic way to enhance your facial features and restore a youthful fullness. When we inject these gel-like substances beneath your skin, they immediately add volume, smoothing out lines and plumping areas that have lost their youthful bounce. Most of our fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in your body, making them safe and effective. The results are instant and can last anywhere from six months to over a year, giving you a natural, rejuvenated look that complements your beautiful smile.

Did you know…

tooth icon

Your teeth have pores, just like a sponge, which causes them to absorb stains.


Call (504) 340-9400

At-Home Whitening Available

In-office isn’t for everyone. If you’d like to whiten your smile in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace, we have at-home options so you feel comfortable with the process from start to finish.

We Offer Zoom Teeth Whitening

A whiter smile is so worth it. With Zoom teeth whitening treatments, you can brighten your smile by up to 8 shades in as little as 45 minutes. Improve the luster of your smile while reducing sensitivity.

Free Consultation
Personalized Advice
Explore Your Options

Commitment-Free Consult

If you're unsure if you want a Zoom teeth whitening treatment or to explore take-home whitening options, come in for a commitment-free consult! We are happy to help.

The Benefits of In-Office Teeth Whitening

Brighter Smiles

Get a brighter smile that makes you look years younger in about an hour.

Affordable Cosmetic Treatment

Few cosmetic dental treatments give you results this fast and at an affordable price.

Renewed Confidence

Everyone deserves to feel great about their smile, and you can too in just one visit to our practice.

The In-Office Teeth Whitening Treatment Process

Treatment Plan

At your consultation, you’ll discuss your needs with your dentist. If teeth whitening isn’t right for your situation, we can discuss alternatives. But if teeth whitening is the best option to help you smile brighter, we’ll provide a treatment plan that allows you to achieve your goals.

Procedure Prep

At your in-office teeth whitening appointment, your dentist will first prep you for the procedure. A retractor will be placed in your mouth to hold your lips back and keep them from coming into contact with the whitening solution. You’ll also be given glasses to protect your eyes from lights used during the procedure.


Once you’re prepped, the whitening solution will be carefully applied to your teeth and a light will be used to activate the compound. In-office teeth whitening treatments typically take 45 minutes to 1 hour. Once complete, you’ll leave the office with a bright, beautiful smile that’s several shades whiter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

Can teeth whitening damage teeth?

Professional teeth whitening that is overseen and administered by a qualified dentist will never damage your teeth. Your dentist will ensure that you get the proper whitening products and that you do not over whiten your teeth.

However, it is possible to damage the teeth by over whitening them. The peroxide-based whiteners used in the teeth whitening process can weaken the teeth and damage the enamel if they are not used properly, or are used too frequently.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to avoid over-the-counter (OTC) teeth whitening kits from sources like Amazon and other websites, which could contain dangerously-high levels of peroxide.

If you do not want to pay for professional teeth whitening services from your dentist, make sure you only use ADA-approved whitening products. ADA-approved products have relatively low concentrations of peroxide, so the risk of enamel damage from over-whitening is much lower.

Which teeth whitening products actually work?

There are two categories of teeth whitening products that actually work.

The first are abrasive whiteners, such as toothpaste that contains baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and other very mild abrasives. These abrasives work similarly to sandpaper, rubbing plaque and surface stains away from your teeth. These abrasive whiteners work on minor stains, but the abrasive is not strong enough to damage enamel.

It is recommended that you avoid charcoal toothpaste, which has abrasives that may be hard enough to damage your enamel with frequent use. Stick to an ADA-approved whitening toothpaste product.

The second category of teeth whitening products that actually work are chemical whiteners that contain peroxide. These are available both from dentists and over-the-counter, but it’s best to work with a dentist to get your desired results, and ensure that your teeth are not damaged by over whitening.

To explore your options in further detail and make sure you choose a safe, effective teeth whitening product, get in touch with your dentist for a consult.

Why does teeth whitening cause sensitivity?

The precise reason that whitening causes sensitivity is not fully known, but the leading theory is that it’s due to “dentinal microtubules.” These extremely small, microscopic channels in our teeth connect the exterior of the tooth enamel to the interior nerve, allowing us to feel sensations in our teeth.

The theory is that, since peroxide-based whiteners weaken the enamel very slightly, this exposes the microtubules, which become much more sensitive. Then, as the enamel remineralizes and becomes stronger after the whitening process is over, they are sealed up again, and no longer feel overly sensitive. This would explain why the sensitivity caused by teeth whitening typically only lasts for a few days.